What We Do

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Innovative Electrical Solutions

Residential & Commercial EV Charging Solutions

Switch It Up Inc. is driving the future with our EV charging station installation services. We recognize your unique needs and customize solutions for both residential and commercial locations. Our diverse selection paired with potential tax advantages due to the Infrastructure Deal makes us your ideal choice. Post-installation services are also available based on individual agreement.

You've Got a Bright Future Ahead...

Brighter, Energy-Efficient, and Longer-Lasting than Incandescent!

Why Choose Us?

Power Whenever You Need It

We offer premium EV charging solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether for residential use or broadening your commercial facilities with EV charging access, we have the resources and expertise to deliver.

Capitalizing on the incentives offered by the Infrastructure Deal, we create cost-effective solutions that stand to benefit you in the long term. Post-installation, our services extend to individualized maintenance agreements to ensure your EV charging station continues to function flawlessly.


We have worked with some awesome brands.

Next Steps

Ready to
Switch It Up?

Contact us now for a free, no-obligation EV Charging Station cost estimate to find out how easy it is to go green with efficient, modern electrical solutions.